Beach Fun

Beach Fun

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Maddox Update

It's now Wednesday, and we are still in PICU. Maddox is doing better. They are letting him drink small amounts from a bottle, while still getting IV fluids. His fever has broke, and is on a decreased amount of oxygen. He coughs a lot and sets off his alarms every few minutes. I think he is afraid to cough. He holds his breath and drops his heart rate until he can't hold his breath anymore then coughs. He is in serious snuggle mode....I LOVE IT! If I could get comfy in the furniture here, I wouldn't put him down. I can't wait to have him back home.

Brian and I are both sick, along with Drew. Jack, Emma, and Parker seem to be ok, a little cough or sniffle here and there. It will be nice to have both of us home again to help each other out with the babies. 24hours alone every other day with the babies sure is tough. Makes 8-10 hours a day seem like a breeze.

More updates later when I know when Maddox might be able to come home.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sara~

I'm glad to hear that Maddox is getting better and will continue to pray for a quick recovery for him. It's hard to take care of yourselves when you are split between the hospital and home. Hang in there - it will get better.


The Ziegler Family

Kimberly King said...

Keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping for a speedy recovery for all of you.

Marianne said...

So sorry for the unexpected complications, you will all be in my prayers. God Bless


P.S. Do you need diaper/wipe coupons for pampers? I came across some and was going to take them to the NICU to leave with someone, but thought I'd ask if you needed them first. email me ( if you'd like me to mail them to you :)